Our two business properties are strategically placed at Kjørbekk next to the main road between the twin towns Skien and Porsgrunn. The E18 motorway is 15 minutes away, and there are road connections to Telemark and Vestlandet. Bus links are just a short distance away.
The properties at Kjørbekk are surrounded by rapidly expanding industrial areas, amongst others, Rødmyr and Nenset, another of our nearby business properties. These areas are part of the region of Grenland’s future investment plans for land use and transport. KRIO is an interest group and instigator in the development of new areas of land, roads, bus routes and cycle paths in this area.
About the property
The property comprises two commercial buildings, Kjørbekkdalen 12A and 12D (photo).
The buildings in brief
The premises can be adapted to any specified needs. We are ready to find new opportunities where we can introduce new concepts for commerce in cooperation with businesses.
Several solid and firmly established businesses are located here in our commercial properties. Amongst others, Pro Gym and System Kjøkken, who design and produce kitchen solutions (photo).
Ample parking and easy access.