The importance of commitment towards local businesses, sports and culture
Bratsberg is a company that acknowledges the importance of local involvement – not only for the business community, but also for sports and culture.
We have been heavily involved in developing the local business community in Grenland, and we believe profitability can be achieved by co-locating businesses for mutual benefit. It is about becoming competitive and facilitating increase of local financial growth. A diverse and strong local business community also pushes to increase employment.
We commit to – and support – local arenas of sports, arts and culture. We are conscious of both our communal responsibility, as well as being serious in our role as a locally beneficial real estate developer.
«We are proud citizens of Telemark» which is why we have supported Odds Ballklubb for several years. This is the oldest existing football club in Norway, whose doors are always open to all football players, regardless of age, gender and skills. In addition we support the youth organisations of Pors, Hei Fotball, Gjerpen Håndball and the professional ski team Team Telemark.
We support innovative and creative local actors within culture, such as Grenland Friteater, Kunsthall Grenlands porselensatlier og Telemark Museums Porselensmuseum. We believe these organisations contribute to amplify the identity and soul of the local community.
We wish to promote our values to the local community, and through commitment to our local sports and culture, we believe this reflects these values.